The Science of Roller Derby: Crossovers & skating the diamond

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In this video we explore how physics affects our ability to turn at speed, and why crossovers are so effective. Music: ‘To Eleven’ by Nathan Stewart Hear mor…


Geoffrey Dunn says:

Newton knew some stuff about skating
The Science of Roller Derby: Crossovers & skating the diamond

recoil669 says:

IF you can give me the tip that can unlock reverse crossovers after 4 years
of trying them you would be my hero.

Belle the Beast says:

This Rob guy is pretty creepy but this video is super-scientific and cool.
Good job guys! :)

Pop2323pop says:

Thanks for this channel! Can you do a video about transitions?

Rob says:

All of this talk about ‘friction’ and ‘making people go’ is getting me a
little hot under the collar! 

Rob says:

Oh gawsh! You so pretty!

Rob says:

“Bending your knees and extending your legs out creates more friction and
makes you go quicker. Lesson Noted.

Catelyn G says:

Newton knew some stuff about skating
The Science of Roller Derby: Crossovers & skating the diamond

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