Two Days in Wisconsin- A Story on the 2013 Colorado College Men’s Ice Hockey Team
Are you Farm Tough? Players and teams have been coming to Train with Peter Dale from all over the world, including: Spain, England, France and Canada. Here is a peak into the training experience….
Available @ The Bauer Vapor X90R Roller Hockey Skates are perfect for the advanced level …
Silver 108 Inch SPARK Skate Lace – Derby Laces for Roller Derby, Hockey and Ice Skates, and Boots Review
Ice Hockey – Stick on stick defensive coverage
Sidewinders (2-22-2013) The music in this was made by DJ Digital C and I have permission to use his music.
Tyler, Ryan, and Alex set out on the street again for their second video, a shoot out with Grant between the pipes! I do not own these songs.
Le roller-hockey fait son show à Paris avec la Coupe de France Crosses, puck, casques, et des roulettes pour remplacer les lames des patins: le monde du roller-hockey sera en démonstration samedi et dimanche à la Halle Carpentier à Paris, pour les finales de la Coupe de France messieurs et dames. C’est la troisième fois [More]