AHL referee wears helmet cam

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AHL referee David Banfield wears a GoPro helmet cam, giving an up close and personal look at what happens on the ice during a game. The video was shot during…


GamingPandaz says:

It’s only a game. Why do they heff to be mad?

RideVictoria says:

I speak On behalf of Canada….This is how Hockey was meant to be watched !

jantteri vennamo says:

lol every guy who took penalty was totally innocent…but that how it goes,
heat of the game:)

miatuneaphish says:

it’s a nice view of the game :3

Kevin Wynants says:

that was awesome

EvinG1998 says:

I could watch these all day

Bobby Smith says:

do refs really do that
like cuss and stuff and talk to them?

Starblade125 says:

God this game has so much fighting….

Quill And Ace™ says:

9:12 best comment of the game “sorry about that I can’t levitate in the

Rollsroyce44 says:

Can I get my camera angle on the nhl package to be this view please?

BlizzardHockey4432 says:

2500th sub

Robert hafberg says:

I wish i was in AHL

jim lahey says:

It’s done boys get the fuck outa here

WildeBEAST32 says:

when there was 2 fights going on, the guy who won the second one
Rock-Bottomed the other guy

Robert hafberg says:

Best referee ever

Burenucks says:

I could watch this all day!!! lol

Carlos Santana says:

That ref should get his own show that was hilarious. :D

Guerin Weeks says:

2:21 best line ever

liam arra says:

this is swag

dannads1 says:

Thats a huge ahl rink, and it was full

TheYogster16 says:

I thoroughly enjoyed watching this!.

Adam Crawford says:

NHL 16, Be a Ref mode, make it happen EA! 

FrankRizzo2002 says:

This was epic.. thanks for the posting

crazynakedpandas says:

This POV was awesome. Really an eye opener to see whats it like right in
the action, all the different conversations taking place. Haha

Keith Keremes says:

Really cool. I used to ref and have a ton of respect for those guys…..
unless I’m playing. 

d4v1dfor3v3r says:

“You, goalie interference”
“WHO ME?!?!?!”
“No, him!”

Jahoragin94 says:

“You! Goalie interference!”
Yes, you interfered with your own goalie. Lol. That was funny.

jonathan hoole says:

“What me?” Here are the rules goalie interference when >opponent< checks the your goalie if he/she does not have posseion of puck in any way shape or form.

PK Crosby says:

Who me?

No Him 

rockerseven says:

4:11 that must have been awkward lol


Lmao 7:50 he thought he was niter fearing his goalie

bteeuwen says:

Man, a live stream helmet cam like this in the nhl would be sicccck

Dave M says:

imagine this in 3d!

capshockeycrazy08 says:

and this is why he is a minor league official…curses up a storm, not
professional at all and will NEVER be an NHL ref

hockeysnipes 13 says:

4:03 half the hats didn’t make it on the ice

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