Women’s Flat Track Roller Derby – Hickory Street Hooligans vs. Trauma Queens – 2/23/2013

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North Texas Derby Revolution’s Hickory Street Hooligans took on expansion team the Trauma Queens in Saturday night’s double-header bouts. Trauma Queens start…


rainisnotforever says:

This looks like so much fun I’ve always been interested!! 

aarell10 says:

I’ve been watching different derby games all day.. cant wait til I can try

Bruno Nuras says:

O.o there are more refs than players?

LiebeMaschine says:

They actually had a rule change just recently and there are no longer Minor
penalities which makes game play better cause the reffs arent calling crap
every 2 seconds. and It is now a rule you cant get out of play to make a
skate come in behind you. So you cant go back more than 22 feet from the
pack 🙂

mrbr549 says:

This isn’t much like the roller derby I used to watch & love. Way more refs
now then before, and they are watched much closer. Whistles blowing almost
constantly. Smaller track & much slower action. WTF? Yawn!

Amelia Calhoun says:

My sister’s one of the officials! So proud of Kimi!!

Tuul S says:

A sad thing is that everybody is playing slow derby now. Too bad!

The Lewisville Texan Journal says:

We have been wondering what rules change might speed up the play and make
it better for the audience. As a viewer, I’m frustrated by the rule that
allow a player to back up nearly all the way around the track in order to
make an out-of-bounds jammer skate back behind them to re-enter the track.
If I were making the rules, I’d strongly consider either making a rule that
you can’t go back more than 20 feet, or that the jammer can re-enter at or
behind the spot where they went out.

d00dmchc says:

i dont get it…

Shannon Rogers-Chastain says:

I went to this bout and we enjoyed it.. we have been going to the derby
mathes since January and we have really enjoyed it. We will be back here at
end of March. We also go to watch the Assassanation City Roller Derby bouts
in Dallas…

K.J. Mitchell says:

My kid is the “Blocking Dead” on the HSH.

Libby Ward says:

This looks fun in a really weird way…

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