UNLV Roller Hockey 24/7 – Road to Nationals 2013

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A behind the scenes look at UNLV Roller Hockey and their quest for a Division I National Championship. http://www.facebook.com/unlv.hockey http://www.twitter…


CodiTC says:

WHy are you guys still wearing cages?


is this a club sport?

Hector Nares says:

10:30 damn niggah

Tyler Durden. says:

This was awesome. Like seriously so entertaining to watch. 

Emily Clark says:


(1. wish I had the last 30 min of my life back.)

that said,
You ‘roller’ players are 10 ply… softer than a warm tootsie roll. This
is embarrasing to the game of hockey. First, you’re not unlv hockey, and
those shirts are made for people that have lifted more than a kleenex in
the last 6 months. Quick reasons why roller is a hobby not a sport –
(question: how many roller hockey players also play ultimate frisbee?)

2. No offsides
3. No hitting
4. 4 v 4
5. Your puck weighs less than a 6 oz.
6. Your favorite hockey players play in the NHL – and they didn’t play
7. You wear motocross jerseys
8. Patrick ‘Robone’ Kane – get hit by a car
9. You’re roller hockey, lets keep the name to people who fight and bleed
for their team, not get drunk in a hotel room after you lose to a
Lindenwood (is it lindenwood?… Lindwood?? Who gives a fuck)

Better luck next year.. I’ll bring my car to your fundraiser next year to
support your guys.

Also, one more question for you guys, who is your favorite roller hockey

trevorlacrosse says:

“Hey fuck heads you’re late, say hi” “hey” “Yeah, fuck yourselves” i
started dying.

rebelbandman says:

Go Rebels, let’s get that title next year.

JaBar Kawan says:


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