Roller Hockey…Your Sport

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Check out this snapshot of Roller Hockey as featured on Your Sport on channel 5 in October 2010.


davehattersleymusic says:

Brings back a lot of great memories. Good to know Carlos is still going.
Makes me wish i still played

nyxOMGZ says:

well done, u make no sense coz if u did u would have just realized your
argument is void as the roller hockey u play is just a let down of ice

Spoderman x says:

none of you inline faggots can do half of what the players of this sport do
you bitch

Jack From Manhattan says:

why dont you guys get some inline skates, bigger sticks, goalies that
stand up, with checking, and play some real roller hockey. this sport
sucks. and if all these people played inline, we would have more outgrowth.
not just the dying out real roller hockey players and a bunch of cornballs
on quads playing a sport with a ball and toothpicks with a paraplegic
goalies. jesus h. tap dancing christ. god help us all

César Gonçalves says:

Why don’t you just play ice hockey? And don’t be disrespectful of this
sport, you think it makes you look funny but just makes you look stupid,
because you show no knowledge of the sport. A sport that has a lot more
attention than inlines, btw. Still, check this out. Portuguese Super Cup
Final some ten years back: watch?v=FtsPVSRp4o4 Look at the intensity, look
at the crowd, and see if you ever saw that in inline hockey.

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