This was going to be the greatest documentary of a USC Trojan Roller Hockey National Championship victory. Unfortunately, USC lost in the semi-finals. Noneth…
Training for shooting a puck properly towards the goal or net-minder to get a fast shot past or into your target. Proper stick handling is vital.This video shows the best technique for rotating the hands.
Hungary edged Poland 2-1 to become the second team behind Kazakhstan to earn promotion to the 2016 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship in Russia.
Norway’s ice sledge hockey team defeated Canada for the bronze medal at the Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Winter Games. The International Paralympic Committee (I…
Bonnie D.Stroir, Bully Julie, & Kibosh of the San Diego Derby Dolls break down how to do the waitress, both on flat track and on banked track. The waitress i…
If you are shopping for a new hockey stick, then one of the sticks on the market worth looking at could well be the Bauer Supreme One Matrix ice hockey stick.
TOP TEN NHL FIGHTS 2008 2009 Top 5 Hockey Fights Ever HD Unbelievable Hockey Fight Top Ten Hockey Fights of the Decade Ice Hockey Fights – Guildford Flames v…
Steve, owner of, explains what you need to know when shopping for Roller Hockey Skates.
Winter Olympics Calgary 1988, latest ice hockey game, Finland vs. CCCP / Soviet Union. Calgaryn talviolympialaiset 88, viimeinen jääkiekko matsi, Suomi – Neu…
In this tutorial I’ll be showing you how to do one of the most essential skills any skater or hockey player should learn, the pivot. This skill can be used t…