5 of the most gruesome hockey fights ever seen in history of the NHL. warning horific content.
Roller Derby on Trans World Sport. A feature on the Texas Roller Derby’s Lonestar Rollergirls – an Austin-based Roller Derby league. Trans World Sport visited the girls for an exhibition bout between the Rhinestone Cowgirls and the All-Scar Army. We met Glitterotica and Dusty Doublewide, who told us a little more about the sport, and [More]
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Les-jeunes-Yetis-Grenoble/246183588795000 Ce week-end des 24 et 25 mars, les jeunes poussins grenoblois se sont rendus à Montc…
This is a brief trailer of the one-hour documentary special produced by Dr. Elliott Haimoff of Afterburner Enterprises, that will be completed by November 20…
This is a video of my best friend Chris. And him just doing his thing.
Luis Navas shares a video ‘The greatest come back in ice hockey’. Enjoy watching the video. Thanks Luis Navas
On a cru à une mode, à une hystérie passagère. Ces filles un peu casse-cou qui se rentraient dans le lard en patins à roulettes, ça faisait sourire. Le roller derby, une discipline dans la plus pure tradition des sports-spectacle américains […} La suite sur Rue89 : http://www.rue89.com/node/235999
A behind the scenes look at UNLV Roller Hockey and their quest for a Division I National Championship. http://www.facebook.com/unlv.hockey http://www.twitter…
Luis Navas shared a video ‘Scariest Ice Hockey Injuries’. Enjoy watching the video. Thanks Luis Navas