[Olympics 88] Ice-Hockey: Finland-USSR

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Winter Olympics Calgary 1988, latest ice hockey game, Finland vs. CCCP / Soviet Union. Calgaryn talviolympialaiset 88, viimeinen jääkiekko matsi, Suomi – Neu…


Eetu Salmi says:

Igor Larionov kerrtoi, etteivät he tahallaan hävinneet. He olivat olleet
ryyppämässä edellisenä iltana. Suomi voitti ottelun, koska he pelasivat

Eetu Salmi says:

Edesmennyt Viktor Tihonov tuli Suomen pukukoppiin ja toi monta pulloa
kuohuviiniä Suomen voittojuhliin. Lisäksi hän pussasi Pentti Matikaista!

anssi logi says:

en anna mitään arvoa..sääli vaikka katsoin moista paskaa

Jari Tuomanen says:

No-one plays hockey at that level to lose on purpose. However, CCCP didn’t
have anything at stake there, and to Finland it was the boost that finally
took them to the world elite. In the end, everyone won. Right now it’s hard
to see that some thirty years ago there was Canada, CCCP and Sweden.
Czechoslovakia and USA were contenders too, but everyone were considered
the rest. Now the competition is something else.

WIZARD1880 says:


Jaska8000 says:

Muistan miten 80-luvulla oli Suomen joukkueelta saavutus voittaa
Neuvostoliitto.Punakone oli maailman kovin kone ja jos sen sai kaadettua
niin kukka hattuun!

I remember how the USSR dominated in the eighties. Beat that team even at
once and you can celebrate.

tylsimys67 says:

We Finns had unfortunately this ‘Mutual collaboration’-pact with CCCP, so
they gave us the silver (our 1st medal ever in international competition)
rather than to Swedes. Coach Tikhonov’s later visit to our locker room and
embracing our coach with ever-so-stupid russkie-smile (and our media going
for it 100%) was disgraceful layer on the cake.

paastoo says:

Canada was out of medals allready. They lost to Finland 1-3. If Finland had
lost then both teams would stay in 5 points. Finland needed only one point
to get silver but Finland won! Soviets 8, Finland 7, Sweden 6 and Canada 5
points. And goals Finland was +8, Sweden -1 and Canada +4. So this game had
meaning only to Finland and Sweden!

Arinator74 says:

@ss90ss444 Swedes are much more respectable than russians or danish.

Carnaification says:

Usa ppl are most retarded in world + L2Write US fag

Joeli888 says:

Says Little bastard from Siperia? Russian hockey suck!

Vlad C says:

@spectrum1980 I did robe and fuck finnish assholes since I was 12 LOL I
always love to watch how fucking Finish drunk guy were going home LOL Drunk
like hell, half naked LOL and all his money in my pocked LOL We usualy
supplied Finish guys with a pants and sleepers Still they were so fucking
drunk that all who see it just LAUGH ! Finland is a NAZI country You
Finland country fight for a Hitler This why I love to feel you bad Finland

Denchat999 says:

you are talking too much, shut up please

Dogslovee says:

Hyvä Suomi:))

Carnaification says:

i prefer you guys to check history CCCP were OP at hockey for a long time

FinnFoxx says:

probly the worst comeback i’ve ever heard

Stomachawk says:

Hienot nuo vanhat pelipaidat. Kannatta huomata myös Matikainen
vaihtoaitiossa jauhamassa purkkaa

Satai80 says:

Mietin jo että miten tuo turnaus oikein meni kun Suomi voitti pelin ja
voitti hopeaa. Sitten tarkistin asian Wikipediasta.

paastoo says:

Kanada oli jo mitaleiden ulkopuolella, ottelulla oli merkitystä ainoastaan
Suomelle ja Ruotsille. Suomi olisi hävittyään ollut samassa pistemäärässä
Kanadan kanssa, mutta Suomi voitti keskinäisen ottelun 3-1. Ruottinkin
Suomi olis ohittanut jo tasapelillä . Keskinäinen ottelu 3-3 ja Suomella
maaliero +8 ja Ruotsilla -1.

Juho Anonyymi says:

tylsä peli…

Carnaification says:

you lost war in vietnam noobs and we pwnd Russians with 200.000 against 1.2
million so suck a dick

Musti says:

shut up

KiekkoPojat says:

Russians better than Swedes??? … gosh


Venäjä anto sen takia voittaa, jotta Kanada jäis ilman mitaleja omissa
kisoissa =d Tossa viimisillä minuuteillahan huomaa, että ne ei edes yritä,
kuhan leikkii. Kyl world cup tai viime olympialaiset ovat parhaimmat
arvokisa mitalit 😛

Mertaranta says:

Epic fail. Finland were sure to get a medal before this game. Soviets
didn’t lose on purpose but they were however hungover. 😉

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