How to Select a Roller Hockey Puck

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Chase from IW reviews the most popular roller hockey pucks. View all Pucks on Inline Warehouse here:


Grace Conor says:

would the ccm 4rolls be a good step up from vapor x40s ik they have a
different fit

Mathew Wong says:

chase do you also play roller hockey?

MMBgaming says:

I play roller hockey

Austin Reynolds says:

I have a couple questions.
With the 20k and ribcor what’s the difference between accublade and ribcors
Also why didn’t reebok put the dual grip on the ribcor what’s bad about it?
Also what’s the difference between 20k and ribcor besides pre loaded

Austin Reynolds says:

What’s the huge difference. (Sticks) with the apx no shaft difference just
blade compared to x60 and apx2 they went back to x60 days with blade and
didnt change the shaft sooo? What is it?

Matthew Brando says:

Pro Puck is the only one that should be still in production. That’s how
good it is..

Erick Ros. says:

PRO PUCK RULES!!!! it’s more Durable, Faster, whith smooth move, and
perfect for any surface, like concret, asphalt. i love this puck

Nick Yan says:

Is there even a comparison? Green biscuit ftw

mike2y23 says:

Still dont understand how the IDS hasn’t taken over as the official NARCH
puck but hey, im okay with the rocket puck

Austin Reynolds says:

You guys said I should go for a low-kick stick I’m a “sniper” I guess you
can call me a “dangler” too but I’m in between a v9e and a APX2 I want
durability too.
Also any suggestions are great too!

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