How To Pivot In Ice Hockey Power Skating – Learn to pivot forwards to backwards or forward tutorial

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In this tutorial I’ll be showing you how to do one of the most essential skills any skater or hockey player should learn, the pivot. This skill can be used t…


eric moliner says:

u might wanna work on those weak ankles….

raffi98 says:

hockey stop: feet are unparallel
pivot: feet are parallel
Also, good to practice it without shaving the ice, as this is the pure
move. shaving is not necessary and could be acquiered with hockey stop

CRooKz978 says:

lol you’re from Chelmsford Essex I’m from Chelmsford Massachusetts .

Madison Glenn says:

Say mermaid 5x clap 5x post this on a wall then touch a wall

Peteswah lifting says:

very good video as usual. I have a suggestion though: 1:22 when you show
the two different moves. Could you do them side by side next time (via
video editing) please? would make it easier :). Also you should use more NV
songs again 😀 they were good

James Downing says:

Awesome video, liked the NHL clip showing how to use it

jaygrayfox says:

Thanks for the video and showing an example of it applied. Great work you
guys are doing.

BehindTheTutorials says:

I actually have both my skates fairly loose, its how i’ve always preferred
to skate.

Hockey Tutorial says:

Thank you for watching.

Tony Xie says:

You’re so helpful thanks for the videos 🙂

short kibz says:

well done bro

phsycoidiot says:

Your left skate is not tied tightly 🙂

Craig Cummings says:

Yeah man, Great Vid Chris 😀

Garrett Amerson says:

Thanks. I will work on this next time I go skating. I can already see how
this will allow me to become more versatile on the ice. Appreciate these
drill videos!

TopKingNation says:

It looks pretty difficult D:

Hockey Tutorial says:

Thank you for watching, I hope you’ll subscribe and share.

codegooroo says:

Note the explanation does not match the action. Ignore the “turn 90
degrees” advice. Instead, do as they do sliding well past 90 degrees then
wheeling around the cone. It’s subtle, but it’s a crucial step.

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