Hockey Training Workout: Off-Ice Quickness Drills

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Close // Free Hockey Workouts // Goal Scoring Training This is an off-ice hockey workout and train…


SilkyMitts18 says:

Thanks dude really a great workout helped me out a lot 

ThunderSports says:

hey thanks so much for the advice about going for long periods of time
during quickness drills, before I seemed to get endurance confused with
quickness. I admire your work ethic. I had a good work ethic until I went
on vacation and let loose, I wanted to get back into the swing of things
when I got home but Im home now and I can’t, I just don’t feel like working
out or practicing anymore but I still wish I felt like it, any advice?

Mo Wiklund says:

works great!

Pavel Barber says:

Really loving this channel.

Check it out guys – off ice footwork transfers to your on ice game.
Strength and conditioning – don’t take it for granted! 

Nick Klishko says:

How many sets should I be doing of this in your opinion?

Cameron Martin says:

I like your work I practice your drils evryday. I’m starting a hockey
yYouTube channel got any advice?

Monias9 says:

id rather go 20 second drill , 10 second rest , once your done. 35 second
rest then go over . thanks good vid 🙂

247 Hockey Life says:

Try it out, see what works best for you.

247 Hockey Life says:

If that is what works best for you that is what you should do. Just make
sure you can go hard the entire 20 seconds.

azianknight says:

This is hard. A++. Winded me right after


Thanks Zach you help me a lot

247 Hockey Life says:

I like it. Keep grinding.

Monias9 says:

didn’t work for me, I just did as you say. thanks 🙂

247 Hockey Life says:

Good. Keep grinding.

Brandon Clark says:

does this work for goalies?

Giovanni Lopez says:

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