Extreme Underwater Ice Hockey

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An all-new dangerous pastime from Austria – ‘Under Ice Hockey’, where you play underneath the ice instead of on top of it. The other side of normal. Where el…


Mrcheesydancer says:

Useless sport, if I can even call it that.
This doesn’t make sense

Allen Knutson says:

*Hard core.* No breathing apparatus!
(via +Avi Abrams )

Sem Mallee says:

I published this video (6 december) on the Dutch website welstijl.com Best
regards, Sem Mallée

Sailor Barsoom says:

Well, it’s certainly different.

JWalker_26 says:

The Fins would win something like this lol. It looks pretty cool, but it’s
not something I’m going to be doing anytime soon

BigButts Senior says:

This sums up a lot of my phobias

philsees says:

this looks dull as hell.

Kirill Volynkin says:

@retardchimp underwater football exists! lol

kimchiman777 says:

5 stars for bravery. 0 star for stupidity.

Farbog says:

what happen if a seal appears during the game?

Josh Moore says:

this is so cool

Ivanna Butts says:

imagine take your kid to work day. the school would love that.

Matias H. says:

Hyvä Suomi!

Sara Leadbetter says:

Cool video, way more interesting than octopush. Shame they made the typical
error of stating the 4 divers had oxygen tanks though. Breathing pure
oxygen will kill you, the divers have tanks containing compressed air, not

Ray Fountain says:


Joel Olsson says:

Booring.. ?

Jonnie Park says:

I can’t see this taking off as a spectator sport.

kirillirik77 says:

The coolest shit


this is just retarted

Gentle David says:

Yeah what’s the song on this vid? I really love it.

batd says:

This is almost as stupid as blitzball.

Sai Saran says:

Under water ice hockey It’s different

amirmabalay says:

That is so creative but then it’s really difficult to swim backwards….I
give those people big respect for playing this.

Aaron Kinberg says:

why not on top?

cekinxxx says:

its stupid, no adrenaline whatsever

Dunnzer says:

would u be fucking well

Punkkikinkku says:

BORING?! Did you know that the players don’t have oxygen masks? Go try it
yourself under a frozen lake.

xxmanicmunkeexx says:

right then. think i’ll stick to Ice Hockey on the surface its much more
exciting, speedy and skillfull!

Günter Swoboda says:


acemrawesome says:

@N8Ryder Only some games have the oxygen tanks. Most of the time it’s
played without, as the video explains.

Pontisto says:

this is fuckin hard core 😀

Mike Gallo says:

there should be more air holes

SailorVash25 says:

This is what happens when the NHL is locked out.

Mazter0fRemix says:

coming soon, underwater golf.

Jontenn says:

are there any fights?

Matti Naskali says:

Hyvä Jari !

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