Choosing Replacement Wheels for Roller Hockey Skates

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Steve, owner of, offers up some advice for choosing replacement wheels for inline roller hockey skates. Included topics are wheel size, whee…


batman says:

What wheels would you need for sealed cement outdoor hockey? 

Carlos Diaz says:

Great video. Thanks and Go Kings!

h0ckeyboy91 says:

what are the cheapest indoor wheels?

LalalalaLaFontaine says:

TO EVERYONE ASKING….The White ad Green skates are Mission Boss Blacks.
More of a higher end, typically run $300/$400. They are a few years old so
you may not see them too much anymore.

porcupine950 says:

what are those green and white skates to your right on the wall i mean by
your right shoulder i see alot of people use them but dont know what brand
they are

dashauner says:

Thank you For this epic vid i helped me ALOT!!

Inline Skates says:

That’s what we are here for. I am glad you found this video to be useful.

Jack Brown says:

What’s the white skates in the back? Jk

dilpickle352 says:

where did u get the white and green skates at

Nick Gillmoure says:

What are the white skates called

mat3010 says:

Hello Steve


1:10 u need ur skeet im mean skate hahaha

kingballerboy20 says:

@dilpickle352 sup dylan

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