7 Things About… Olympic Ice Hockey

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Find out everything you want to know about Olympic Ice Hockey with our rundown of 7 cool facts about Ice Hockey in the Olympics. Subscribe to the official Ol…


Olympics says:

At which Olympic Games was the men’s Ice Hockey gold medal match first
decided via penalty shoot-out?

Find out this and more in our new 7 things about Olympic Ice Hockey video!

Hugo Araújo says:

+Olympics make a video about the gold medal of China in volleyball in
Athens 2004 Olympics

mgraysonhay says:

Best. Sport. EVER.

Make mine a double says:

Interesting stuff. The 2010 final between USA and Canada is still one of
the most tense and enjoyable matches I’ve seen. It had me on the edge of my

ntvwmn says:

at 36 seconds, if that was supposed to be Hayley Wickenheiser and Jayna
Hefford, well at least it wasn’t Jayna Hefford….that was Tara Watchorn on
the right, just sayin’.

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