Broadcasted on 9th June 2012 from the “Fight to the Finnish” Event hosted by the Dolly Rocket Rollers.
Watch Now >>> CRIME CITY LOVE follows AlottaRiot, BitterFit, Bobicat and Fenix who are absorbed by the Roller Derby-life. Roller Derby is a tough sport on roller skates, and a sub-culture with it´s own rules, where women have all the power.
Demi finale championnat France minime St Orens vs Fous du Bitumes
Broadcast on the 9th June 2012 at the “Fight to the Finnish” event hosted by the Dolly Rocket Rollers
Vidéo du Match yeti’s de Grenoble / Ris orangis (8 Janvier 2011)
Plus sur Les Krokos Rollers de Nîmes battent les Aloses de Bordeaux 6-3. (Droits réservés. Pour toute exploitation commerciale, veuillez nous contacter )