LES 13 ET 14 AVRIL, LA HALLE CARPENTIER (PARIS-13EME) ACCUEILLE LES FINALES DE LA COUPE DE FRANCE FEMININE ET MASCULINE. Le meilleur du Roller Hockey français à Paris pour le week-end ! La Halle Carpentier (13e arr.) accueille pour la deuxième année consécutive la Finale de la Coupe de France de Roller Hockey. Au programme, [More]
During a pre-season ice hockey clash, Kazakh player Damir Ryspayev showed exactly why he is a man not to be messed with in an incredible brawl
Hosts Italy, Canada, South Korea and Norway will play each other between 7-12 December. The schedule for the ice sledge hockey international tournament in Torino Italy, which gets underway on 7 December, has been released by the organisers: http://www.sportdipiu.it/torneo-internazionale-ice-sledge-hockey During the first three days of competition, morning games begin at 10am (CET) and afternoon games [More]
Retrouvez le premier Journal Télé du mondial 2008 de roller Hockey – Edition du 05 Juillet 2008. Plus d’infos sur le mondial sur www.spr-rilh.com