Roller hockey goalie GoPro edit Rollerfly

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First try at using my GoPro Hero3+ Silver to record some goalie action from our roller hockey league.


TSGstorm337 says:

Good stuff 

Alex Cooper says:

Damn five hole lol

Bobby Mueller says:

Is it bad that I lookedat this video for less than 5 seconds and
immediatley knew it was slapshotz/gsw?

Blackdaylight PC Games says:

Does rollerfly make your stance weird?/Make you butterfly weird? (I dont
want to offend any1) but the goalies ive seen using rollerfly always seem
to have a weird stance and butterfly

Beatster81 says:

So you look as tho you’ve never played ice hockey as goalie.. (neither have
I) I notice you have rollerfly on your pads.. How do you like rollerfly?,
Do you feel it improved or helped your game at all? Would you recommend it
to a goalie that has never played on ice surface?

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