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Rocktown Rollers VS Charlottesville Derby Dames ~ 04-26-09 ~ Roller Derby – Jam F
Do you enjoy Ice hockey. Then you will probably enjoy these Ice hockey fights too. Ultimative Eishockey kämpft in der Geschichte. Ultime hockey sur glace se bat dans l’histoire. El hockey sobre hielo última pelea en la historia. 究極のアイスホッケーは、歴史の中で戦います。
Partie de Hockey avec Session roller
In this video, connects with the Derby Girls to find out more about how the game has evoked a kind of sisterhood among its participants.
Broadcasted 9th June 2012 at the “Fight to the Finnish” event.
extrait d’un match pendant le stage de roller hockey du 25 au 31 juillet 2010 à Armonia à LA Roche sur Yon
Bande annonce de la Coupe de France de roller hockey 2017 les 25 et 26 janvier 2017 à Carpentier (Paris).
At an MK lightning Match in Milton Keynes, Chris Wiggens and Andre Payette drop their ice hockey gloves and scrap it out just after a face off,  with the lines men powerless to stop them