Luis Navas shared a video ‘Scariest Ice Hockey Injuries’. Enjoy watching the video. Thanks Luis Navas
It all kicked off after the goal tender Alex Mettan was ruffed by a Guildford player. During the course of the Ice hockey match between Bracknell Bees and Guildford flames several fights broke out after aggrieved players wanted their own back.
Wichita Shootout Roller Derby – KC vs DALLAS
Merry Christmas T-Shirt Your Back T-Shirt Needs Santa When You Have Nana? Bad Pugly? Cat Lady
Roller derby. Le 10 mars 2013, journée rencontre et partage au gymnase de la Roseraie à Toulon avec les “Bloody Skulls”, les “Pisseuses Maléfiques” et les “Toxic Ladies”.
1er Partido MXRD Disasters vs. Roller Derby Queretaro
Birmingham was the host for the Men’s Roller Derby World Championships.