It’s a Girl thing.. (Roller Derby)

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Thank you girls for opening my eye’s to the sport of roller derby. You girls are amazing.


Jon Watson says:

Awesome video

Zaphod Trillian says:

dirty dykes

Cruo Ficio says:

Those first ten seconds of this video are just PRICELESS!
You get to dress like a skank! ROFL!

Aleah Niccals says:

oh my gosh i really wanna be apart of this, god bless roller derbyyy omg

Daisy Birch says:

Support, Love, Humor, Power–all while getting to dress like a skank! &
wow–there’s intense pain/injury involved here–also taken in stride. Go

AGrayPhantom says:

If someone asks me what roller derby is I’d show them this while rattling
off facts and positions.

misfitstattoo says:

Awwww isn’t this sport cute.

Sledzeppelin says:

Great job. I want more of the “dress like a skank” girl!

KelsoCookie says:

holy crap that’s my coach with the 1/2 face skull makeup at 1:41

dragonthewatcher says:

“you get to dress like a skank!” SOLD! :DD

Adam Roy says:

What equipment were you shooting with, Sam?

Al Diablo says:

nicely done!

SmashOneMedia says:

Thank you.

baiovideo says:

I love this video! Well done!

montrouslydiminutive says:

Great job! I was there, you really captured the spirit of the Rookie
Rumble. 😀

Mandi M says:

Love it!! totally Love the giggly chick with the pink glasses and polka dot
hair bandana!!!! hahaha <3

luvaddictXO says:

I’ve wanted to join a derby league for a year now, and this video jut
renewed that love and interest for me. I cant wait to talk to my local
rollergirls. Hopefully I can try out soon! I love everything about this

ragers66 says:

I don’t really know roller derby….what an interesting,
ahhh…..subculture. Obviously there are rules because there are officials
present, any rundown on what the rules are? Would appreciate it. As a
bloke, I think I like watching!

SmashOneMedia says:

It’s in the description.

paige94130 says:

well, you cant push, pull, or hit anyone in the face. you cant trip people,
or punch. you cant kick either. you can hit them with your side which is
called hipchecking. please dont hate if i didnt mention something, because
i am 12. on saturday, i am trying out a camp for roller derby. i trying out
for the team on the 10th.. any questions? feel free to ask!

Russ Desaulniers says:

Really nice editing work!

TheSilhouette89 says:

Here is my really quick translation of the very first bit (00-12 sec)
L’homme: C’est quoi qui rend Derby si spécial? (plutôt qu’autres sports?)
La femme: on peut se costumer comme salope! Je pourrait traduire tout la
vidéo si tu peut tolérer mon ‘français’!

Preston Gillis says:


SmashOneMedia says:

She was fun to film.

Dani Connell says:

Hey can we show this on our facebook group – DubaiRollerDerby? It’s such a
great video and we want to tell the Middle East what they need to prepare

Motori sss ada says:

what is the name of the song? thank you!

Jessica Cohen says:

this is really high quality work. Finally, a “derby is” video I’m not
embarrassed to show to potential recruits (our name for fresh meat). Thank
you… really. <3 Coach Stylz ~ Mass Attack Roller Derby (south shore MA)

Christian Roman says:

J’aimerai bcp savoir ce que disent les filles au court des interviews en
début de la video, mais mon niveau d’anglais n’est malheureusement pas
suffisant :(… Si une âme charitable passait par là et se sentait le
courage de me faire une traduction Anglais-Français, ce serait
formidable… (qui ne tente rien n’a rien ^^)

FUBARbiesk8s says:

Very nice!!! Got chills and even misty eyed over the Derby love…ya’ can’t
make this stuff up 🙂 XO, F.U.B.A.R.bie

pasalaska says:

It’s so refreshing to see a derby video that isn’t all ‘hitting people!
violence! fishnets! blood! Fierce names!’. I love my sport, and this video
captures the reasons why. Not that I don’t love the hitting people,
violence, fishnets and derby names (but not blood, I don’t like seeing
that), but there’s just so much more to it than what’s usually seen in
derby docos. So thanks. This was awesome to watch. – Holly War

Adam Roy says:

@paxfounder After the Ed. Fringe is done, I should be able to start some
new stuff up. I’ll keep ya’ informed.

James Dalgetty says:

This was a great rookie bout. You should see the senior girls play.

TheAndroid111000 says:

hi what was this shot using?

Kristy blackstock says:

I miss playing Roller Derby SOOOOOOO BADLY it hurts!!!

Bonnie D. Stroir says:

This is a great video. <3 Thanks for capturing the love. That's the best

Bubbaloogum says:

Great videography!

dollfacedBerserker says:

Made me miss derby and my wifey! I’m getting back into the groove for
RollerCon next year. Great video and glad it wasn’t all about getting
bloody, and getting drunk at the after party. I miss my derby sisters!
Derby LOVE

sidney vallejo says:

ok now the blockers (stripe on the helmet) yes the girls (and guys) could
make ponts buy passing the blockers. now its it onily for girls no (as i
was tell you earler) (and guys) ther is a team for sun city roller derby
(dead bolts) if you notice in the pic ther might be a girl shes only there
for the ref. hope i helped you

Motori sss ada says:

I could only find the artist’s name, not the song itself… Thank you! 🙂

1234Tisha1234 says:

You get to dress like a skank! Favorite sentence in the whole video 🙂

Motori sss ada says:

yay, thank you very much!

faridjabba says:

why is it erotic ? what is it about? is it only for girls?

SmashOneMedia says:

Thank you for the kind comment

KoriLuvsNuggets says:

It’s lovely to know that Derby Love is going strong. We gotta love the
girls who we beat up!

SmashOneMedia says:

@AskaGreenDay Awsome comment, thank you.

Pim van Wetten says:

It may be because you have a song on your video that Youtube see’s to be in
breach of copyright. You should see some notifications when you look at
your video via video manager. Love the video btw!

b16honda says:

I saw Viv !

WytchyOCDG says:

Great Job! you should come video our bouts! 🙂

VictoriaCreeper says:

Very nice video! My heart beats for derby!

faridjabba says:

nice pic

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