Ice Hockey Offside Rule Explained

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This brief video explains the offside rule in Ice Hockey.


MA Hockey says:

To add, rule 630b allows Offside to be *WAIVED OFF* if a defensive player
carries the puck into their OWN zone… meaning if a green player is
offside, and pink for some reason carries it backwards from the neutral
zone, into their own zone, that green player is now ONSIDE just to clarify.
Some refs won’t pick this up.

Garry Smith says:

THANKS DUDE!! Great to know. Watching CanAda v USA in Australia tonight

sjagain says:

Your explanation made sense but the rule doesn’t. Hockey would be much more
exciting, and have more shots on goal if players were allowed to go past
the blue line and receive a pass before the puck is over the line.

Mustaine says:

the face off areas are looking like tits :)

TraumaER says:

Offsides is the worst thing to happen to soccer and hockey. Like if you

pears009 says:

That’s awesome!!! Your video REALLY helps explain, something that many of
us “novice” fans have had/continue to have a problem understanding…
Would one of the main reasons for the “Offsides” rule/infraction, be that
if it were not in place, players could essentially, “Cherry-Pick” at their
respected offensive opposing ends, and the puck could be passed up
relatively quickly for a “one on one”, “two on one” scoring opportunity…

TheLastStand says:

Thank you, I finally understand it :D

ArJuna22 says:

Great video. I’ve been watching hockey for decades without understanding
this rule. Thanks.

O.I. am says:

thnx for the video.

dylan Belto says:

more confused than ever

Swink says:

The green team is missing two players and a goalie! :)

Californicated says:

Thanks- I had considered it the same as soccer but never really lined up.
About time I looked it up. Thanks again.

William Gore says:

Thank you.

alvin lau says:

whats that blue line.


Stephanie Harris says:

oh my gosh thank you! just recently started dating hockey player 6 months
ago, never watched hockey before then I’m trying to understand all the
rules this helped so much!!!

William Henrichsen says:


jama61van says:

Very well done. I could never understand it when my son just explained it
w/out visuals. I am a visual learner. I could see that there was a green
guy and goalie missing, but i also understood that you were just trying to
make the point. Whether it’s 1 or 4 other guys in the offensive zone, it
would still be off-side. Thank you. I will be looking at more of your
videos to understand hockey better.

Rocco DiSpirito says:

Thank you this has really helped with my hockey

MrPete8680 says:

3 lamest rules in sports,

3. Soccer offside
2 Ice Hockey offside
1 Field Hockey, Must score a goal with in in the “d” zone.

Nickname21 says:

Such a pain in the ass rule..Thank you for the explanation tho!

Tithis says:

Very helpful. I’ve started to get into watching hockey and wanted to get a
better understanding of the rules. Much better explanation then the other
video I watched.

jdommen says:


Matthew Detillion says:

Magenta… WTF?

Pablo Pera says:

haha very cool

evin munoz says:

thank u so much this is the best explanation ever!…. can u make more on
other rules like icing? pllzzzz

David Vargas says:

This has been very helpful. Been getting frustrated with my hockey video

Spencer Bagley says:

Well explained sir!

Casino123459 says:

This rule ruins the game. At least in the video games, I don’t watch hockey

cl0n3war5 says:

This was the best video I have seen on this so far. Great job. Do icing

sdboltman17dm says:

You can if the guy with the puck has already entered the zone

41057al says:

very helpful I hope you do more. It helps those of us who don’t understand

Aaron Poole says:

Thank you so so much, I’m starting to play hockey. This has really helped
me because this was the ONLY rule I have never understood whilst watching.
🙂 Thank you very much, I’ll cherish this information when I’m playing <3

missionbells says:

but the rule makes total sense tho, otherwise players would just have one
guy hanging around in the offensive zone waiting for a pass

lonewolf604 says:

Its not dumb, It would be too easy to pass the puck into offensive zone.
Icing and Offside encourage teamwork.

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