All Ice Is Home Ice – Nike Hockey

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It doesn’t matter who we face. It doesn’t matter where we play. From the smallest pond to across the widest ocean. If it’s frozen, we’re at home. #ALLICEISHO…


Pavel Barber says:

I don’t want to meet the person who doesn’t get fired up for the Olympics
after watching this commercial.

Go Canada Go!!!

Максим Галеев says:

It doesn’t matter if we’re playing at someone else’s rink.
Or in someone else’s province.
Or even in someone else’s country.
As long as there’s ice to skate on, we’re at home. 

Justin Truax says:

Well done Nike, bring on the olympics!

Canada FTW!!!

Paul K says:

Got chills watching this

David Burch says:

Canada! Fuck Ya!!!

Dr. Nick says:

wheres the Icarus ???

blarazan says:

Isn’t this the theme to the Man of Steel Movie?

AzNightmare says:

“Take cover, child. Now switch to kryptonite. Now go to Robin’s

Jan Poliakevitch says:

Love how it’s the Russian that treat Canadians like shit at their rinks –
ahh the beauty of victimizing home athletes and demonizing the opposing

FanOfTheSioux says:

Why would they even make a commercial like this? Nike doesn’t even make
hockey gear anymore.

Jeffery Phillips says:

One of few times I watched an ad all the way through. :)

mcdonaldsd says:

LOL sounds so much better on the xmen trailer….

guys for reals says:

lol this song is becoming overused now. They used this in the X-men Teaser
Trailer that was released this year…

Skyrocket says:

Guys watch the new xmen tralier sounds so much bettter they copied it….

Trevor Eisnaugle says:

Canada didnt invent hockey it was the british who started ice hockey 

lesterbpearson says:

They kinda ruined this soundtrack for me…so much better on xmen tralier

habshabsrule says:

Wow what a commercial, epic! 

Fernando Lopez says:

Gotta love these types of commercials 

Leon200115 says:

“Whole entire” Not a phrase :P

UpliftingMelodies says:

WTF soundtrack from the movie Sunshine it makes even this shitty video look

ressedeltoro says:

Awesome, the heart of travelling to the visitor hockey rinks captured with

Bravo to the DoP of this piece as well.

Micheal Levin says:

this is, by far one of the best inspirational commercials i have ever seen,
gets u pumping !!!

davefollow says:


Señor Chang says:

damn it i love this track but it’s starting to get overused now :(

thejonathan130 says:

“”Now Gooooo Toooo Cryptoniiiiiiiiiteeee!, And Now switch to Robinssss

davefollow says:


Miss ShorTy says:

#alliceishomeice !!!!
#gocanadago !!!
#justdoit !!
#2014olympics !

Nestor Noronha says:

Double Gold and double undefeated! Russia, stop playing hockey, u guys
suck, this is our game!

Bex Moyaert says:

My Childhood. Go Canada. For the love of hockey.

Andrey Goreev says:

The video made by/for US guys who was born 60s-70s and has never seen the
world. They probably have never been out of the hometown ever. Nice
Canadian idea but shitty US implementation. It will be a good hockey
anyways…. even / hopefully without Nike

Antoine Bélisle says:

You know how to make ads I click on. Keep on the good work chief marketing

Haley Webb says:

I know the security guard guy!!!

Mel Knight says:

I do like this commercial but why is it the crappy arena is only shown for
where girls are playing (and they aren’t shown in a decent one) and men are
shown in a nice one? At least put us both in crappy ones or both in nice
ones at least at points. Girls hockey is underfunded but we don’t need to
only show them being underfunded

susan steele says:


awesome visdd says:


Wilfred Jay says:

Go Canada! :)

Holden Workman says:

x men days of future past trailer music

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