Storm vs. Grim Reefers (1/14/2015) Roller Hockey Playoffs Final Roller Hockey Dangles Dekes Drills

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Roller Hockey Videos says:

Hi Daniel, I just uploaded a new video, the link is
As for when the next video will come out, many people have asked the same
question and I would like to take this opportunity to inform everyone that
Central City Arena makes arrangement for the video recording so please
contact Central City Arena directly regarding this. Many thanks for
watching the videos! =)

Roller Hockey Videos says:

Please feel free to subscribe to get notification when new videos’re
uploaded! Many thanks! =) How to watch in Full HD : If you want to watch
the video in high definition or if you watch in full screen mode, please
click the gear under the right side of the video player, and select 1080P
to watch in Full HD! If the video playback is choppy, one possible reason
is that the servers of Youtube are experiencing high traffic. It’s also
possible that your video download speed is slow or inconsistent. In this
case, you can try pausing the video until the entire stream is downloaded
and then playing the video. Thanks for watching the videos! =)

Roller Hockey Videos says:

For videos of the best roller hockey goals and roller hockey saves, please
go to this playlist at

The playlist should autoplay all videos sequentially. While watching a
playlist, you can skip from video to video by clicking the skip backward
and forward buttons at the top right of the menu next to your video.

Roller Hockey Videos says:

Many thanks for watching the videos and many thanks for posting the
comments! =)

Daniel Filmer says:

when is the next vid gonna come out?

My Name says:

Thanks for the video boys

Daniel Filmer says:

finally… nice vid. keep them coming

Valid Dyl says:


Roller Hockey Videos says:

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