how to put on ice hockey kit

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how to put on ice hockey kit.


thatoneguy! says:

most of this is in the wrong order, but what ever works for you i guess..

XtremeDonut The First says:

Pro Tip: Never wrap your skate laces around the skate. It ruins the
movement in your skate and will affect your performance.

Gator says:

Cup look funny

lara a says:

Omg I loved that! 

Owain Williams says:

How much would everything except for the jersey cost?

Paneet Atwal says:

put neck garud on before shoulder pads

Neil Bergin says:

Tip… put skates on after pants

shargor says:

That was awesome!

Eric Hartman says:

Cool video. 

HockeyFan1800 says:

Just a tip. Don’t tie your skate laces around the back. 

Matte Spel says:

Omg so old 

Vapor Bauer says:

youre a beginner thats have stuffs that is 20 years old!!!

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