Ice Hockey Motivation 2013 [HD]

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By Martin Susa My first motivation video. Song: Two Steps From Hell – Protectors of the Earth.


Dominik Cmorej says:

slovakia :)

Ultimate Warrior says:

@Tyson Friesen if you don’t work out at least 5 days a week you will never
achieve the physical shape these guys are in. Nevermind mental
conditioning/strength that they have to go through this then play 82 games.

gazzalanche says:

Do it!! As the other reply says no matter your age you will not regret it!!
I started when I was turning 32 about 4 months ago and I have not looked
back!! Not yet on a team but doing the lessons and meeting cool people, it
has it all!! Get into it my friend!! It is one of the latest but greatest
choices I have made!

sjsharkshockey2011 says:

Yes, money is more involved now. But, I just look at it as business. It’s
like you’re attracting customers, but you’re still trying to sell the same
message that hockey is an awesome sport that you should enjoy. Now, hockey
fans may not like the people who run it, but if you’re a fan of the sport
the only thing you’d care about is the nature of it. (Actually, what I just
said so far has only applied to the NHL. Hey, can’t hurt to see the biggest
star players out there. :P)

Hayden Geary says:

Watch Harlem shake borderland select

Matyáš Kalous says:

Popovice is best

Tomas Arés says:

After this video i think that my hockey skills are very low :/

Benjamin Liker says:


Jordan Brown says:

wow… crosby 😮

Viktor Spielbock says:


AlexanderSiasi says:

Doesn’t matter whether you’re 14 or 44. It’s never late for anybody, once
you do start, trust me, you won’t ever regret it.

Easton Farcry says:

and how old are you ?

BossbrosINC says:

im 11 and people doubt me beyond my expectations.I work out 5 times a week
i shoot 100 wrist shot 100 slap shots Don’t believe dont care because i

iMathiz says:

Leksands IF ❤

Thea Lindberg says:


Tyson Friesen says:

Bud, it’s not good to workout everyday. Your supposed to take a break in
between workout days. But of course you wouldn’t know that because your 14!

1911mato says:

thanks 🙂

iDropz iDropz says:

after this video ive started thinking to start play hockey 😮

Elias Jacobo says:

I’ll give it a try, then.

finbex69 says:

F I N L A N D !

xTheBreakout says:

I’ve took shits more motivating then this

William G says:

Lol I’m 14 I workout everyday and run 4 times a week w sprints…on the ice
6 times a week. AAA hockey

Mr. Natural says:

Best decision you’ll ever make.

jordan988 says:

this is amazing!

vacod46 says:


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